
We will take the bus at 10am and be back at CEC around 5:30pm.

Please sign up and pay at reception before 2:30pm on Wednesday

You must pay at reception to reserve your place on the bus!

Mitchelstown Caves was discovered accidentally on the 3rd of May 1833, by Michael Condon who was quarrying limestone when he dropped his crowbar into a crevice. He stooped down to pull out a few boulders to retrieve the bar, next minute he found himself looking down into a vast series of underground chambers, passages and caverns.

Mitchelstown Cave is one of the largest and most complex cave systems in Ireland. On the guided tour you will follow ancient passageways and visit massive caverns in which you are surrounded by indescribable dripstone formationsstalactitesstalagmites and huge calcite pillars and one of Europe’s finest columns the inspiring “Tower of Babel” which stands some 9 meters in height.

Rock of Cashel:      Originally the seat of the kings of Munster, according to legend St. Patrick himself came here to convert King Aenghus to Christianity. Brian Boru was crowned High King at Cashel in 978 and made it his capital.

In 1101 the site was granted to the church and Cashel swiftly rose to prominence as one of the most significant centres of ecclesiastical power in the country.

The surviving buildings are remarkable. Cormac’s Chapel, for example, contains the only surviving Romanesque frescoes in Ireland.

  • 什麼?
  • 什麼時候?
    上午 10:00 - 下午 5:30
  • 哪裡?
  • 多少?
