마리나 마켓에서 점심 식사

Come along on a walk to Cork’s Marina Market & let’s have lunch altogether!

The Marina Market has over 35 amazing food & drink stalls, with diverse & unique food offerings. From the classics like coffee shops and wood-fired pizza to cuisines from around the world like Lebanese falafel, Korean fried chicken & Greek stew, there is something for everyone at the Marina Market! There are plenty of options for all dietary preferences.

  • 무엇?
    마리나 마켓에서 점심 식사
  • 언제?
    오후 1:15
  • 어디?
    CEC 외부 회의
  • 얼만큼요?
    무료 (점심 식사는 거기에서 지불)

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