CEC is accredited by the following organisations:


Eaquals has been accrediting and enhancing quality language education since its foundation in 1991. Only language teaching institutions that have undergone inspection and been accredited may use the Accredited Members’ logo. Accreditation by Eaquals is the primary means by which providers of language courses can demonstrate their compliance with high international standards designed specifically for language learning services.


MEI is an association of recognised English Language Schools in Ireland. With origins dating back to the 1960s and a membership that includes small, medium and large schools, our association offers a high level of service and quality and a wide range of English language programmes to almost 200,000 students from all over the world each year.

Quality English

Quality English (QE) brings together a selection of the very best English language schools from around the world under one reliable brand. Quality English schools offer exceptional service, unique character and a fine course choice.


The Advisory Council for English Language Schools (ACELS) was established in 1969 under the auspices of the Irish Department of Education and Science to control standards in EFL schools and organisations through an inspection/recognition scheme.

Select Ireland

Select Ireland is a group of well-established and vastly experienced independent English Language Schools in Ireland. Our members are consummate professionals and industry leaders, who work together to share their many years of experience in the sector in order to grow and improve. High standards, professionalism, innovation, reliability and honesty are among the main characteristics of Select Ireland Language Schools. Our schools offer quality programs in iconic locations and, above all, a guaranteed valuable and memorable student experience.

Cork Chamber of Commerce

Cork Chamber of Commerce is the leading business organisation for the promotion and development of economic and commercial activity in the Cork region. Representing over 1,000 member businesses and employing over 80,000 people in the Cork region, the Cork Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic and proactive organisation committed to supporting business in this area.


ALTO – Association of Language Travel Organisations

ALTO is the only premium forum joining leading language travel agents, schools, and national associations as one global community.


IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language). Our mission is to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals throughout the world.


Cambridge ESOL

CEC is an authorised Cambridge Examination Centre. We run examination preparation classes so your students will have the advantage of preparing and sitting their exams here in Cork English College – PET, KET, FCE, CAE, BULATS.


Cork English College is an official IELTS test & preparation centre. CEC is also the only recognised IELTS test centre for the south of Ireland.


CEC is one of a small number of schools in Ireland that are TOEIC testing centres.


CEC is recognised as a Bildungsurlaub centre by German state authorities.


Leonardo Da Vinci Programme

CEC welcomes Leonardo candidates. The Leonardo da Vinci programme is part of the European Commission’s new Lifelong Learning Programme and is designed to build a skilled workforce through European partnerships.

Erasmus +

CEC candidates on non-native teacher refresher programmes can apply for Erasmus + funding. Erasmus + actions are part of the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme. CEC runs a variety of Non-Native Teacher Refresher Programmes throughout the year.



CEC is recognised as an educational provider for CSN & Centrala Studiemedelsnamnden Sweden. These organisations approve and provide financial aid for Swedish students to study abroad.


CEC is a chosen school for CESI candidates. This is a European financially sponsored educational programme for French students studying abroad.